Jumat, 06 Januari 2012

Heppy B'day Ressy

 5 Januari 2012

Today is your happy day. It's your biggest day. You are turning 17. I wish you love, joy, healthy, and happiness. May God always bless you.  May it be another mark that you are precious to your family and friends. You're no longer just a child. Today it's your day Ressy
All of the decisions that you make in your future
Always Miss and Luv You my Brother

kakak, mama n papa berharap kamu bisa bersikap normal layaknya anak-anak usiamu,,, hohoho
Set your goals in your life from now!!! Berubalah osiiii berubah doonngg,, kami tahu kamu cerdas, pintar, bahkan melebihi kakak. tapi kamu salah untuk mengekspresikan kecerdasanmu itu,, hahaha hilangkan semua imajinasi bodoh dalam pikiranmu!!!
Semoga Ressy dapat menulis dengan baek gak kaya ceker ayam gitu...dan salam selalu DINOSAURUS KEBOOOO... Always remember this words,,
 *Ressy masih umur 12th*
*Mantan Grandmaster Gresik*
*Wajah gilanya Ressy*
*Ressy Unyu-unyu*


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